
Location Media Xchange: Your Partner to Unlock Programmatic DOOH Revenues
Out-of-home (OOH) advertising has a rich history spanning nearly a century, from the first hand-painted billboards to the modern, digitized billboards and screens that now dominate our urban landscapes.
Staff Author
26.05.23 03:57 AM - Comment(s)
The OOH Media Owner’s Guide to Impression-Based Sales
In today's fast-paced world of advertising, reaching consumers effectively is an ongoing challenge. As technology continues to evolve, so does the way we communicate and consume information.
Staff Author
25.05.23 05:20 AM - Comment(s)
Boost Advertiser Trust: How a Self-Serve Portal and a Reliable Impression Multiplier Can Drive More Ad Spend
The world of out-of-home (OOH) advertising has undergone significant changes in recent years. The industry has evolved from traditional billboards to digital signage.
Staff Author
10.05.23 06:41 PM - Comment(s)
Unlocking the Full Potential of Digital Signage Networks with a Flexible Content Management System (CMS)
Content is a ubiquitous term that pervades modern life. Everywhere we look, we encounter some form of content, whether browsing our phones, scrolling through social media, or reading articles on topics that interest us. Content is all around us.
Staff Author
18.04.23 07:36 AM - Comment(s)
Moving Walls and Dentsu Africa: Growing the Role of OOH through Automation and Accountability
Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has long been a powerful tool for marketers. It has the ability to capture attention, increase brand awareness, and drive consumer action.
Staff Author
30.03.23 04:03 AM - Comment(s)
Employee Spotlight: This International Women's Day, Be Unapologetically You
The Sanskrit phrase "Aham Brahmasmi" translates to "I am God" or "I am enough." This concept acknowledges that we are all interconnected with the universe and its creator. Therefore, discrimination and hatred are unnecessary.
Staff Author
15.03.23 06:31 AM - Comment(s)
LMX and MIZET Partner Pyxis UAE to Enable Dynamic Content Management for New Retail DOOH Network
The retail industry braced itself for a rough start this year. Consumers’ buying decisions have changed dramatically with the increased cost of living. However, China’s border opening announcement, after almost 3-years of isolation, caused a surge in outbound flight bookings.
Staff Author
21.02.23 05:22 AM - Comment(s)
Grow Your Digital Signage Revenues with Programmatic Digital Out-Of-Home (pDOOH)
The retail industry braced itself for a rough start this year. Consumers’ buying decisions have changed dramatically with the increased cost of living. However, China’s border opening announcement, after almost 3-years of isolation, caused a surge in outbound flight bookings.
Staff Author
20.01.23 07:55 AM - Comment(s)
Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home (pDOOH)
Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home (pDOOH)
Staff Author
04.01.23 06:35 AM - Comment(s)
Introduction to Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH)
Introduction to Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH)
Staff Author
04.01.23 06:31 AM - Comment(s)