Simplify your Sales Process with LMX

 Create proposals and bookings digitally

Working with clients can be tough, working back and forth between negotiations and multiple versions of quotations. With LMX Bookings you can now generate quotations on the platform itself. This quotation can be edited multiple times as you work towards closing the sale. The system further allows you to temporarily block the inventory and even place the final booking order. This system has been custom built through continuous consultation and feedback from media owners.

Therefore, let LMX simplify your sales process which would allow you to focus on closing the sale, try out our 90 day trial period by filling up the form below


Propose all OOH Inventory

Create proposals and bookings for digital or classic or both OOH types

Create your own themes

Build proposals and bookings to match your brand’s colours

 Get Single View of All Proposals

Collaborate across clients and agencies to see active and inactive proposals

Get started today!