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Campaign Creation on White Labeled OOH Self-Serve Portal

Boost Advertiser Trust: How a Self-Serve Portal and a Reliable Impression Multiplier Can Drive More Ad Spend

The world of out-of-home (OOH) advertising has undergone significant changes in recent years. The industry has evolved from traditional billboards to digital signage. With the rise of digital marketing, OOH has upped its game with cutting-edge technology that caters to the needs of advertisers today.

Moving Walls to power "MASTRUM" - A Game Changing Platform by Jeki to Revolutionize OOH Advertising in Japan 

Tokyo, April 27 2023: Moving Walls has announced a partnership with JR East Marketing & Communications Inc. (Jeki) to launch a technology platform that will automate all Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising across Japan. The platform powering "MASTRUM," has been developed by Moving Walls, a global OOH enterprise software provider and has been customised specifically for the Japanese market.

Unlocking the Full Potential of Digital Signage Networks with a Flexible Content Management System (CMS)

Content is a ubiquitous term that pervades modern life. Everywhere we look, we encounter some form of content, whether browsing our phones, scrolling through social media, or reading articles on topics that interest us. Content is all around us.

Moving Walls and Dentsu Africa: Growing the Role of OOH through Automation and Accountability

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has long been a powerful tool for marketers. It has the ability to capture attention, increase brand awareness, and drive consumer action. However, the traditional buying and selling methods of outdoor advertising often meant that only a limited set of advertisers could leverage this medium. But with the emergence of programmatic technology, the game is changing.

LMX and MIZET Partner Pyxis UAE to Enable Dynamic Content Management for New Retail DOOH Network

13th February, 2023 - UAE: Location Media Xchange (LMX), the supply-side arm of Moving Walls Group along with its strategic sales partner Mizet has announced a partnership with Pyxis that will see an exciting new retail Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) screen network equipped with best-in-class content management technology.

Grow your Digital Signage Revenues with Programmatic Digital Out - of - Home (pDOOH)

The retail industry braced itself for a rough start this year. Consumers' buying decisions have changed dramatically with the increased cost of living. However, China's border opening announcement, after almost 3 years of isolation, caused a surge in outbound flight bookings. 

Moving Walls and jeki join forces to address global / local communication challenges

Global ad-tech solutions provider Moving Walls and Japanese OOH major jeki have inked the deal for a partnership that will see jeki screens light up across Japan as the country caters to an influx of inbound and outbound demand on a global scale.

OOH media owners can now reach new advertisers with self-serve advertising

Digital marketing has dominated marketing spend for years, but the tide is turning. The medium is facing the challenge of oversaturation. Consumers are now resisting the allure of paid online advertising without even engaging with the message of that content. 

Reach more OOH advertisers and increase revenue by selling online

Having an outstanding online presence can bring you new business opportunities. Clients and new business owners still rely on search engines to discover new agencies and services to execute campaigns. Going online also makes sure that OOH media owners are not just reliant on salespeople to grow their footprint.

Self serve advertising: Making OOH accessible to local businesses

Hyperlocality allows advertisers to reach a niche audience at a specific location such as a certain group of residents of a certain town or grocery shoppers at a local hypermarket. Hyperlocal demographics allow advertisers to customize their content based on the location and audience they are targeting.

Why OOH media owners need a more efficient way to manage multiple revenue streams

In our recent conversation with the weekender, some of our media partners shared thoughts on how they were able to manage inventories from a single platform and how it has helped them manage multiple revenue streams. Hear from the likes of Ledtronics, Eyetalk Media Ventures, Laguna, and FC Media.

An E-commerce platform: A solution media owners and buyers need in DOOH

Having a platform like an e-Commerce site has made direct sales between media buyers and media owners like you, a possibility. The DOOH industry has been a bit behind the rest of the world when it comes to making their screen inventory available for bookings online – but all that is changing now! 

OOH advertising for startups - A guide to emerging and beginer strategies

OOH advertising has been around for decades and has progressed alongside technological innovations. With OOH, the concepts and methods of marketing are endless. If you want to use this kind of advertising to help grow your startup, lets deep dive into a few ways you can do so.