
E Books


Enhance Your Customer Experience 

If you want to make your system more efficient, you might want to consider the benefits that come from shifting to a more reliable, effective and streamlined way of pushing content to screens. Transform your digital screens today with our latest content management guide.

Download Guide Now!

How are your audiences moving?

It comes as no surprise that a pent-up demand for travel is being reflected in high footfall at shopping malls, increasing room rates, overbooked flights and tourist arrivals throughout the Singapore metropolis. Download the Singapore Mobility Report today to understand where your audiences are moving and why. 

MSAP x MW Video Outside Playbook

In this Video Outside Playbook, The Media Specialists Association of the Philippines (MSAP) and Moving Walls provide you with an introduction to video advertising in the real-world using billboards and placed-based Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) media in 2022.

Your ultimate guide for OOH advertising

Digital is transforming how OOH is bought and delivered. The conversion of traditional billboards to digital panels has given the medium new capabilities. Dive into how the channel is growing, with location data making it more addressable, and how advertisers are using these capabilities to deliver audience-driven campaigns.