Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home (pDOOH)

04.01.23 06:35 AM

The modern, digital native advertisers are always looking to run very effective and targeted campaigns. That means, giving the right message, to the right audience at the right time! That’s easy if we were running digital ads, but can we do that on OOH screens?

Yes, Programmatic DOOH is now a phenomenon, which opens a world of opportunities both for media owners and advertisers.

What is pDOOH?

It is where DOOH inventory is sold and purchased automatically in real-time, by computers. Essentially, DOOH inventory is traded in real time, based on the buying criteria defined by the buyer and the conditions put forth by the media owner. pDOOH platforms make use of real-time signals to target audiences whom the advertiser requires.

The Power of Data

One of the key differences between plain DOOH and pDOOH is the layer of data which enables advertisers to make informed decisions, giving them desired campaign results. It is important for media owners to partner with the right tech solutions provider to ensure that they harvest this power of data. 

Advantages of pDOOH to Media Owners

·        Programmatic OOH blends the sharp audience targeting and convenient media buying capabilities of programmatic with the high impact and reach of OOH.

·        It reduces the complexity of buying OOH media by opening the available inventory to a larger base of buyers who can place ads in pDOOH enabled screens from anywhere in the world.

·        Improved targeting capabilities of audiences and improved campaign measurements would attract more budgets from performance driven advertisers and specialized digital agencies.

·        Media owners have great flexibility and control over their inventory. Premium inventory can be sold through private marketplaces, whereas unsold inventory can be monetized through multiple DSP’s.

How does pDOOH work?

·        Advertiser briefs agency on the campaign objectives, performance parameters and target audience

·        Based on the brief, the agency would define the parameters for the campaign such as targeted location, and other data parameters as well as their ceiling price.

·        This purchase request is sent through a DSP, which would look for suitable inventory which suits the advertiser requirements in multiple SSP’s

·        This goes through the DSP either in an open auction (Open RTB) or private marketplace (PMP), transacts with an Exchange or SSP for the agreed bid or sale.

·        The ad is then served across the appropriate screen or screens and the transaction is complete.

·        The data from the campaigns are recorded when the spots are executed and the measurement data is sent back to the advertiser.

Getting started with pDOOH

Working with the right partner who provides a complete solution is vital for media owners to gain maximum value from their inventory.Location Media Xchange (LMX), with a proprietary tech stack for automating all aspects of the OOH media business, provides an end-to-end solution for media owners to make their inventory available for programmatic buying and expose them to the largest and most popular omnichannel and specialist Demand Side Platforms or DSPs.