Moving Walls and Dentsu Africa: Growing the Role of OOH through Automation and Accountability

30.03.23 04:03 AM
OOH opportunities

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has long been a powerful tool for marketers. It has the ability to capture attention, increase brand awareness, and drive consumer action. However, the traditional buying and selling methods of outdoor advertising often meant that only a limited set of advertisers could leverage this medium. But with the emergence of programmatic technology, the game is changing.

The adoption of programmatic technology has revolutionized the out-of-home (OOH) advertising industry by enabling advertisers to reach their target audiences more efficiently and effectively. Programmatic technology has opened up new opportunities for advertisers to leverage OOH advertising and reach a wider audience than ever before.

That's where Dentsu Africa’s partnership with The Moving Walls Group comes in. This technology partnership is working to grow the role of OOH through automation and accountability in the African continent. By combining our expertise, we're building a full-stack OOH advertising technology platform that's set to revolutionize the industry.

What Does This Mean to OOH Media Owners?

The supply-side platform (SSP) platform that powers this partnership, called LMX, offers tools for automation and accountability that were once out of reach for many. With LMX, OOH media owners can now access a solution that allows for real-time management, buying, and selling of your OOH inventory. This enables you to more efficiently and effectively reach target audiences, as well as optimize campaigns and measure their success.

The platform also offers additional features like inventory management, campaign planning, and execution, as well as real-time campaign tracking and reporting. By streamlining these processes, you can make better use of your resources and focus on delivering the best possible outcomes for your clients.

But that's not all. This partnership is also committed to bringing accountability in OOH advertising in the region. The LMX platform includes measurement tools that allow media owners like you to track the effectiveness of your campaigns, including engagement rates and conversions. With this data, you can optimize campaigns and demonstrate the ROI of OOH advertising to your clients.

The Opportunities LMX Provides for Media Owners

By adopting this platform, you can differentiate yourself in the market by offering clients cutting-edge technology that enables better campaign performance and measurable results. 

Moreover, you can gain access to new markets and increase your revenue streams through the real-time buying and selling of OOH inventory. LMX also provides a competitive advantage by offering a level of transparency and accountability that is not currently available in the industry yet.

The LMX platform is used by more than 200 media owners globally and the solution is built to work with all OOH formats including moving media. We also provide bespoke integration services to make sure the platform seamlessly integrates into your existing financial or content management systems. 

With LMX, you can access tools for automation and accountability that were once out of reach and set yourself apart from the competition. If you're a media owner looking to streamline your operations, reach your target audience more efficiently, and demonstrate the ROI of OOH advertising, the LMX platform is definitely worth considering.

If you're interested in seeing how LMX can benefit your business, book a free demo today.