Why do you need a CMS solution in your ad campaign strategy?

04.01.23 06:11 AM

The global OOH market size is predicted to reach USD 31.71 billion by 2025, as per a new study by Grand View Research, Inc. 

The growth of OOH is driven by the usage of highly interactive display technologies in sports stadiums, indoor arenas, airports, bus/rail stations, retail stores, schools, hotels, restaurants, and so on.

While retail was dominating the end-user industry, the improved capabilities of using OOH had pushed the adoption further.

OOH has proven to be a great tool in boosting brand awareness, improves customer experience and promotes customer engagement. 

Big Data + Analytics tools 

The emergence of IoT enabled devices, coupled with the increasing adoption of location intelligence, has enabled a huge collection of both consumer and location data.

Combining these data with in-depth analytic tools will be a major consideration when you are planning for the perfect digital strategies.

The ability to capture data and translating key insights into targeted consumer behaviour is made easier than ever with these tools.

Add-on connectivity via network or cloud-based content management system (CMS), these OOH screens become more efficient and effective.

Dynamic and Flexible

Today’s data-driven CMS technology can assess how well the content is performing, in which dynamic and flexible content delivery will be enhanced to generate better engagements.

Ad campaigns are delivered based on triggers – weather, peak hours, context-based, audiences movements, preferences.

Marketers will now be able to improve their campaigns and further enhance the effectiveness of their campaign strategy.

This also provides an appealing customer experience that will result in a better connection between the consumers and brands.

Stay One Step Ahead with CMS

OOH is growing at a fast pace.

The next vital step in pushing the adoption faster will be using the analytics pieces concurrently and seeing the additional values OOH can provide to the market.

Marketers need to recognise the many benefits and capabilities that OOH holds and how adopting a data-driven CMS will bring in more effectiveness for their customer engagement journey. 

Whether designed as an interactive experience, as a way to better direct shoppers around your retail space or to simply deliver dynamic ad content that has the ‘wow’ factor, CMS-equipped OOH can be incorporated to become a memorable part of your business.

LMX Content does just this!

You can now choose the right times to run your ads with dynamic content delivery.

With LMX’s innovative supply-side solution, you will be able to achieve operational efficiency